Jamaica National Anthem | Jamaica, Land We Love

Jamaica National Anthem: “Jamaica, Land We Love”


Jamaica’s national anthem, “Jamaica, Land We Love,” is a poignant and powerful expression of the nation’s spirit, history, and hopes. Written in 1962, the same year Jamaica gained independence from British rule, this anthem encapsulates the pride and resilience of the Jamaican people. In this article, we will explore the origins of the anthem, its lyrics, and its significance, as well as the availability of translations in other languages.

History and Origins

Creation of the Anthem

“Jamaica, Land We Love” was created in response to a national competition held in 1962 to select an anthem for the newly independent Jamaica. The lyrics were penned by Reverend Hugh Sherlock, a notable Jamaican clergyman and social worker, while the music was composed by Robert Lightbourne and arranged by Mapletoft Poulle.


The anthem reflects Jamaica’s rich cultural heritage and aspirations for unity and prosperity. It is an invocation for divine guidance and protection, underscoring the values of justice, liberty, and national pride. Sung at national ceremonies, sporting events, and schools, it serves as a constant reminder of the nation’s journey towards freedom and self-determination.

Lyrics of the National Anthem

The lyrics of “Jamaica, Land We Love” are a testament to the country’s reverence for its natural beauty and its people’s resilience. Below are the complete lyrics:

Verse 1:
Eternal Father bless our land,
Guard us with Thy mighty hand,
Keep us free from evil powers,
Be our light through countless hours.

To our leaders, Great Defender,
Grant true wisdom from above.
Justice, truth be ours forever,
Jamaica, land we love.
Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica, land we love.

Verse 2:
Teach us true respect for all,
Stir response to duty’s call,
Strengthen us the weak to cherish,
Give us vision lest we perish.

To our leaders, Great Defender,
Grant true wisdom from above.
Justice, truth be ours forever,
Jamaica, land we love.
Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica, land we love.

Musical Composition

The anthem is composed in a solemn and dignified style, suitable for its role in national ceremonies. The arrangement by Mapletoft Poulle gives it a harmonious and uplifting character, making it an inspiring piece for all who hear it.

Translations and Language Versions

While the official language of Jamaica is English, the national anthem has been translated into several other languages to reflect the diversity of its people and to reach a broader audience. Here are some notable translations:

Spanish Version

Verso 1:
Padre eterno bendice nuestra tierra,
Protégela con tu mano poderosa,
Mantenla libre de poderes malignos,
Sé nuestra luz por incontables horas.

A nuestros líderes, Gran Defensor,
Concede verdadera sabiduría desde lo alto.
Justicia y verdad sean nuestras para siempre,
Jamaica, tierra que amamos.
Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica, tierra que amamos.

Verso 2:
Enséñanos verdadero respeto por todos,
Inspira respuesta al llamado del deber,
Fortalécenos para proteger a los débiles,
Danos visión para no perecer.

A nuestros líderes, Gran Defensor,
Concede verdadera sabiduría desde lo alto.
Justicia y verdad sean nuestras para siempre,
Jamaica, tierra que amamos.
Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica, tierra que amamos.

French Version

Couplet 1:
Père éternel bénis notre terre,
Protège-la de Ta main puissante,
Garde-la libre des forces du mal,
Sois notre lumière à travers des heures innombrables.

À nos dirigeants, Grand Défenseur,
Accorde une vraie sagesse d’en haut.
Justice, vérité soient à nous pour toujours,
Jamaïque, terre que nous aimons.
Jamaïque, Jamaïque, Jamaïque, terre que nous aimons.

Couplet 2:
Apprends-nous le respect véritable pour tous,
Éveille une réponse à l’appel du devoir,
Fortifie-nous pour chérir les faibles,
Donne-nous une vision pour ne pas périr.

À nos dirigeants, Grand Défenseur,
Accorde une vraie sagesse d’en haut.
Justice, vérité soient à nous pour toujours,
Jamaïque, terre que nous aimons.
Jamaïque, Jamaïque, Jamaïque, terre que nous aimons.


The national anthem of Jamaica, “Jamaica, Land We Love,” is a cherished symbol of the nation’s identity and values. Its profound lyrics and stirring melody continue to inspire pride and unity among Jamaicans worldwide. Through its translations, the anthem extends its message of love and hope to a global audience, reinforcing the universal appeal of Jamaica’s quest for justice, truth, and freedom.


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